About Tash McGill

More Good Drinks is the culmination of 15 years work in the drinks & hospitality industry.

“I want people to say I helped them change the way they think – about life and the world. And that things were better as a result.”

I’ve had a portfolio life before it was cool. I’ve had a rich and diverse set of experiences in a range of spaces that have given me some unique skills and perspectives. I’ve been able to utilise these tools over and over, refining my craft.

My career began with an English assignment to write our own eulogy – it took all of ten minutes and all I said was ‘I want people to say that I helped them change the way they think about life and the world.’

That has been the motif throughout all of my work. I’m a bit of a natural born storyteller and so I went into radio and communications pretty early. I saw the power of how good storytelling and communication can make the world of difference to pretty much any social structure, whether it’s business, families or social organisations.

It’s always been about transformation and meaningful change – whether that’s talking with somebody who’s having a tough day and helping them reframe that or move forward, or changing businesses and social organisations. I’ve often said storytelling is the best way to communicate strategy.

As an industry, we have challenges to tackle and so we need to listen and work with people for the innovative solutions and best practices we need for the complex problems we have to solve. Leadership is so often about the story you are telling people about where we have been and where we can go. 

I do the work I care about – helping create meaningful change from scale up businesses to C-Suite digital transformation. If you want to see more of my career – you can check out my LinkedIn profile

More Good Drinks is about bringing depth, inspiration and transformation to the drinks industry, so we can make a good thing better.